Thursday 22 January 2009


There must be cogent reasons behind it perhaps, but I am quite sad that 'The Dark Knight' did not make it to the top five :-(

Watched 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' and absolutely loved it (though it significantly diverges from Fitzgerald's original short story). Watched 'Slumdog Millionaire' and liked it too notwithstanding certain leaps of faith and willing suspensions of disbelief that were needed. 'Milk' and 'The Wrestler' are next on my list of movies to watch.


pj said...

I watched slumdog in sterling last night, and after that I was scared to come back in train alone at 11 PM.The movie sure left a big impact. Loved it.

Karthik Shekhar said...

Me too. But the fact that the meeting/separation/final union of the two lovers was filmed in CST left me with an eerie feeling.

And glad to know that you choose the train over the cab. That's the woman brandishing the scepter of choice :-)

Ankita said...

Was sceptical about 'Slumdog M' but maybe its worth a watch,notwithsatnding everything.